New York, New York Attorneys

Browse top New York New York Attorneys and Law Firms below or select a Practice Area from the tab below to display Lawyers in your preferred Practice Area.

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Carro, Carro & Mitchell LLP

Accident and Injury, Personal Injury
New York, NY 10001

Law Offices Of Grinberg & Segal

Family Law, Criminal Law, Employment and HR, Immigration
Experienced nyc immigration attorneys can help you fill out the right paperwork and obtain legal citizenship through the right channels.
New York, NY 10005
Our law firm offers affordable uncontested divorce, separation agreements and pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements across New York State.
New York, NY 10010
Offers fast and affordable uncontested divorce representation throughout New York State.
New York, NY 10013
New York City Employment Law Firm
New York, NY 10004
The attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group, PLLC focuses on sexual harassment and employment law in NYC. Most of our legal cases involve claims and lawsuits that seek damages for sexual harassment, discrimination, and hostile work environment.
New York, NY 10004

Young & Ma LLP

Employment and HR
Employment law can be a very tricky process and without it you can find yourself out of business or paying out a huge settlement or losing a lawsuit. Our employment attorneys in NYC are highly skilled, licensed and can help prevent lawsuits and more! .
New York, NY 10022
The Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel provide comprehensive personal injury representation in New York, NY.
New York, NY 10007
American immigration attorney with a focus on acquiring visas to the U.S. for travel, business, medical treatment, childbirth and study. I am currently located in Shenzhen, China and am available for consultation by appointment in New York and Hong Kong.
New York, NY
(646) 783-0088

Richard Mogg

Accident and Injury, Personal Injury
We are the New York construction accident lawyer. Contact us if you were injured in a construction site. Our Manhattan construction accident attorneys will fight for you..
New York, NY 10004
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