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Family Law Overview and Information
Family law encompasses a broad range of issues, including adoption, child custody, childrens' rights, divorce, estate planning, estates and trusts, insurance, and marriage, among others. Family law matters are often intensely personal, emotional, and difficult. In all cases involving childen, the law regards the childrens' best interest as paramount. Family law also emphasizes preserving wealth, including utilizing premarital and post-marital estate planning.
The complexities of issues involved, such as property division and taxes, may make it advisable for both parties to have expert legal and financial advice. Attorneys who practice in this area assist clients with issues of divorce, dissolution, or legal separation. They also typically handle matters involving prenuptial agreements, grandparents' rights, spousal restraining orders, adoptions, guardianships, juvenile law, paternity, estate planning, and issues of child custody and support.