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If you need further information or require the assistance of a personal injury lawyer in your area, please contact the Accidents & Personal Injury attorney listed in this personal injury lawyer directory for legal assistance.
Accident & Injury Overview and Information
An accident is an unintended event resulting from a lack of care, ignorance, or a combination of causes. When an accident results in injury, the affected party may be able to seek relief under the law or compensation under an insurance policy.
Injury generally refers to a harm suffered, which may be physical or emotional pain and suffering, damage to reputation or dignity, loss of a legal right, breach of contract, or damage to real or personal property. Civil law provides remedies to compensate victims of wrongful acts, whether they are intentional or unintentional, for the injuries that could reasonably be expected from such acts. Injuries must be proven by the plaintiff and evidence may be introduced to support the amount, if any, of money damages sought. Such evidence may be presented through various means, such as expert testimony and medical bills.
For example, in a personal injury lawsuit, some of the types of damages the injured party may recover are: loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses. They include both present and future expected losses. In some instances, the court will order a type of relief other than a monetary award, such as an injunction, to remedy an injury that money cannot correct.
A Personal Injury attorney who practices in this area represent clients who may have been injured in a wide variety of situations, involving auto accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death claims, slip & fall injuries, faulty products liability, social security disability, motorcycle accidents, and snowmobile accidents, among others.
A Personal Injury lawyer can help victims and their families recover money and other compensation for medical bills, lost wages, loss of function, scars, soft tissue damage, pain and suffering, and property damage, from those whose fault or negligence contributed to accidents. A Personal Injury lawyer typically works on a contingent fee basis, and file insurance claims, negotiate with insurance company adjusters, start law suits and arbitrations and handle court trials.
Accident & Injury Overview and Information
An accident is an unintended event resulting from a lack of care, ignorance, or a combination of causes. When an accident results in injury, the affected party may be able to seek relief under the law or compensation under an insurance policy.
Injury generally refers to a harm suffered, which may be physical or emotional pain and suffering, damage to reputation or dignity, loss of a legal right, breach of contract, or damage to real or personal property. Civil law provides remedies to compensate victims of wrongful acts, whether they are intentional or unintentional, for the injuries that could reasonably be expected from such acts. Injuries must be proven by the plaintiff and evidence may be introduced to support the amount, if any, of money damages sought. Such evidence may be presented through various means, such as expert testimony and medical bills.
For example, in a personal injury lawsuit, some of the types of damages the injured party may recover are: loss of earnings capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses. They include both present and future expected losses. In some instances, the court will order a type of relief other than a monetary award, such as an injunction, to remedy an injury that money cannot correct.
A Personal Injury attorney who practices in this area represent clients who may have been injured in a wide variety of situations, involving auto accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death claims, slip & fall injuries, faulty products liability, social security disability, motorcycle accidents, and snowmobile accidents, among others.
A Personal Injury lawyer can help victims and their families recover money and other compensation for medical bills, lost wages, loss of function, scars, soft tissue damage, pain and suffering, and property damage, from those whose fault or negligence contributed to accidents. A Personal Injury lawyer typically works on a contingent fee basis, and file insurance claims, negotiate with insurance company adjusters, start law suits and arbitrations and handle court trials.